How do I sign up for Talky?
Talky does not require a sign up or use accounts. Just follow the instructions on our main page to start chatting!
How do I log in?
Talky does not use accounts and no log in is required. Please read our main page for instructions on how to use the site.
How do I send my Talky link to my chat partner(s)?
You can copy the link directly from the browser bar, or click “invite” from within the Talky session to copy the link to your clipboard. You’ll need to paste this link into an email or text message and send it to your partner(s).
My camera/microphone isn’t working.
You’ll want to check that your browser has permission to use these devices. You can do this in Chrome by clicking on the camera icon on the right side of the address bar or checking in Settings→Site Settings.
My partner and I have both joined, but we can’t see each other.
Please double check that your link is copied exactly the way that it appears. If you’re connecting internationally or using different-language keyboards, you’ll want to make sure you’re pasting the link rather than typing what you see.
Talky isn’t working at all.
Please make sure that you’re using a supported browser and that you’re following the provided instructions on our main page.
Why are there ads?
Talky inc. is a small team that maintains the website and infrastructure required to keep Talky going. The costs to maintain this site are significant, and unfortunately we’re unable to afford to pay for this upkeep. Instead of shuttering Talky, we’ve chosen to include advertisements to help subsidize these costs, keeping Talky free for all of our users. You can learn more about Talky and the team behind it here.